At MEDIdesign we recognise that the invaluable expertise and experience of medical staff. We aim to complement this by providing the tools for teamwork.
Think of a Formula One tyre change, which can safely deliver a complete set of new wheels to a 200 mph vehicle in less than 3 seconds. This is done by teamwork, breaking complex series of tasks into relatively small components, making sure every practices their individual role until they’re brilliant at it, and then coordinating the team to act as a single operation, requiring minimal intervention during the process so that each teamplayer can get on with the job.

Sauber pitstop crew in full flow
Application of this principle include:
- Detailed analysis of the components of the diagnosis and treatment paths
- Identifying areas of potential error or inefficiency exist, and considering ways to manage them better
- Using a systematic approach to allow others to get involved to make the delivery experience better for all concerned
- Planning appointments, communicating next steps, recording diagnostics
- Self-checking mechanisms for testing, expert diagnostics to support interpretation of results can enable less experienced staff to take on some tasks without significant risk
- Preparing test kits in advance can reduce excessive burden during the consultation process.